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Tax and Estate Planning

Nobody wants to pay too much or too little when it comes to taxes. We give our clients confidence for today and tomorrow by providing current income tax strategies as well estate planning for the future. We also make sure these strategies are up-to-date with tax laws and our client’s circumstances.

Our team helps you:

  • Monitor how new legislation may affect income and estate planning
  • Make smart investment decisions that integrate with your personal tax considerations
  • Calculate your optimized Alternative Minimum Tax (AMT) to enhance your tax strategy

What sets us apart?

Part of making informed financial decisions is knowing all the options, even the ones that you might not be interested in right now. We walk you through alternative financial choices that you can understand and be confident with the strategies designed for you.

We love working as a team. Some of our best work gets done with we collaborate with our clients, their attorneys and their accountants. You benefit directly from an entire team working together to evaluate the pros and cons of all possible approaches, within the framework of our extensive research and years of experience.